Yesterday, Judge Vaughan Walker overturned proposition 8 in California. A commenter on one news site said, "Amen, hallelujah, let freedom ring for everyone!" This brings into view a despicable tactic used by supporters of the homosexual agenda. They cast themselves as "freedom fighters," on par with groups that ended slavery and segregation. It creates an environment that lets them call anyone who disagrees with them bigots, extremists, homophobes, fascists, etc. After all, who wants to stifle freedom?
As Christians, we are really the only group entirely able to experience true freedom. We know what it means. We have a moral code that guides us in it's meaning, the Bible. Through God's word we realize that although we're able to do all things, not all things are lawful for us. Trying to attain freedom in the absence of this absolute, true moral code is really just shackling yourself to sin and death.
In the book of Judges, one phrase rings particularly true of our modern American society. "In those days there was no king in the land. Every man did what was right in his own eyes." God does not have a track record that supports sin in the land. The land is either given over to sin and the people are destroyed, or he sends in oppresors and raises up Godly, Spirit empowered deliverers.
I don't know about you, but I'm sitting here right now praying for some oppression to rouse us (the Church) from our nappy times.
As Christians, we are really the only group entirely able to experience true freedom. We know what it means. We have a moral code that guides us in it's meaning, the Bible. Through God's word we realize that although we're able to do all things, not all things are lawful for us. Trying to attain freedom in the absence of this absolute, true moral code is really just shackling yourself to sin and death.
In the book of Judges, one phrase rings particularly true of our modern American society. "In those days there was no king in the land. Every man did what was right in his own eyes." God does not have a track record that supports sin in the land. The land is either given over to sin and the people are destroyed, or he sends in oppresors and raises up Godly, Spirit empowered deliverers.
I don't know about you, but I'm sitting here right now praying for some oppression to rouse us (the Church) from our nappy times.
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